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In case you missed it. . .

Reforms to Medicare compliance– firmer but fairer?

Law reforms introduced from 1 July 2018 have given Medicare stronger debt recovery powers. The legislation also provides for fairer approaches to compliance, by apportioning responsibility for overpayments between both doctors and their employers or contractors, including public hospitals.

Minister for Health, Greg Hunt said the legislation aims to deal with the “very, very small number of outliers” who don’t comply, at the same time acknowledging “the outstanding degree of integrity” among the medical workforce when the Act was being reviewed by Parliament.

Diabetes apps: regulation concerns grow

In an article in the latest Medical Journal of Australia, Melbourne endocrinologists Dr Rahul Barmanray and Dr Esther Briganti say patients should be warned aboiut the potential for insulin dosing errors with glycaemic control smartphone apps.

First Online Survey – Painaustralia National Action Plan

The Australian Government recently announced funding for Painaustralia to develop a National Action Plan on Chronic Pain Management.  The National Action Plan is a critical and overdue step towards improving quality of life for the millions of Australians who live with chronic pain (daily pain that lasts three months or longer) and reducing the burden of pain which is increasingly impacting families, communities and the economy. The Plan will set out key priority areas and measures to improve access to, and knowledge of, best practice pain management in the next three to five years. 



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