Journal Contributions

The Practice Manager is the national journal of the Australian Association of Practice Management and is highly valued by the profession, reaching Practice Managers, practice principals and practice staff.

Contributor guidelines

  • Contributions should be relevant to Practice Management and the health care sector. 
  • Maximum word length per page is 800 words (excluding imagery).
  • Author's name, position, short two line biography and headshot should be included with contributions.
  • Photographs, images and other graphics should be included as separate attachments (in high res JPG, PNG formats only)
  • Copy should be sent as a Word document (.DOC or .DOCX), please do not send content as a PDF document. 
  • References must be included and any links.
  • AAPM reserves the right to edit content to accommodate its editorial policy or publication requirements.
  • The Practice Manager Journal is distributed electronically to members.

Contribution deadlines for upcoming editions, together with the Booking Form and Terms and Conditions can be downloaded HERE.


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