17 March Department of Veterans' Affairs: Veterans' Health Check March 17, 2020 By Danielle Cranefield Department of Veterans Affairs 0 Transitioning can be a busy and challenging time for veterans and their families. There are many competing priorities and health can often be forgotten. GPs can play a vital role in ensuring veterans receive the health care that they may need. DVA understands that veterans face a range of challenges and is committed to providing veterans with easier access to health care, particularly in times of crisis. All ADF members who transition on or after 1 July 2019, and served at least 1 days’ continuous full-time service, can now access a comprehensive fully-funded health assessment from their GP each year for the first five years following transition. The Veteran Health Check is specifically designed for veterans and can be accessed through a community or family GP. It can assist veterans and the GP to identify and support the onset of physical and mental health conditions that are common in the years following transition and organise early and targeted referrals. The GP may also make referrals for additional tests, treatment or assessment by other health professionals, and can refer the veteran to relevant DVA services or programs. These checks are fully funded with a DVA Health Card and are available from GPs who accept DVA Veteran Cards. If veterans transitioned from the ADF prior to 1 July 2019, they will still be able to access a one-off comprehensive Veteran Health Check (also known as the one-off ADF post-discharge health assessment) from their GP at any time after transition. A Medicare rebate is available for this. In addition to helping further boost the health and wellbeing of veterans, the addition of the health checks to the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) provides an opportunity for GPs to build a better patient profile by identifying and addressing any physical and mental health conditions common in the years following transition from the ADF. FAQs for GPs FAQs for Veterans Further information for GPs is available through the DVA website. Related Articles Department of Veterans' Affairs Mental Health Assistance Line DVA: Veteran Health Checks Program The Veteran Health Check is a comprehensive health assessment for veterans with GPs My Health Record – Australians to decide on a smarter and safer way to share their important healthcare information By the end of 2018, a My Health Record will be created for every Australian, unless they choose not to have one. If people choose not to have a My Health Record, they will be able to opt out of having one created for them during a three-month period, starting on Monday 16 July and ending on October 15 2018 Department of Human Services : Upgrading their digital health and aged care channels In the 2017-18 Budget, DHS received funding to enhance, stabilise and consolidate the existing health and aged care payments channels. Increased use of My Health Record by healthcare providers AAPM Advocacy with Tasmanian Department of Health Comments are closed.