5 January Active Ingredient Prescribing update January 5, 2021 By Miranda Grace AAPM, Announcement, Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, Communication, Department of Health, Department of Veterans Affairs, DHS, Digital Health, Digital Health Agency, General, Services Australia, Veterans 0 As part of the Government’s continued commitment to the development and implementation of electronic prescribing, including active ingredient prescribing (AIP) and to support the long term viability of the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) the Department of Health and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs have made legislative amendments to require the inclusion of active ingredient name(s) on all PBS and Repatriation PBS (RPBS) prescriptions from 1 February 2021. Fact sheets, communication and educational materials relating to AIP are available for download or visit the PBS and NPS MedicineWise websites. The Department of Health and Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission), have also worked closely with industry and clinical experts to develop a range of clinical support materials for prescribers, to assist them in identifying where it might be appropriate to consider the inclusion of brand name(s) on prescriptions. The AIP User Guide, Fact Sheet, List of Medicines for Brand Consideration and List of Excluded Medicinal Items are now available on the Commission’s website. Attached Files FINAL AIP Fact Sheet 040920.pdf 228.06 KBPrescriber - Active Ingredient Prescribing Key Messaging 221220.pdf 75.08 KBPrescriber-FAQ-Active-Ingredient-Prescribing.pdf 155.51 KB Related Articles Active Ingredient Prescribing update End of Active Ingredient Prescribing Pharmacy Grace Period 31 July 2021 Active Ingredient Prescribing ATAGI: Australian Immunisation Handbook Updates Department of Veterans’ Affairs Rehabilitation Appliance Program updates The Department of Human Services has updated the PBS education guides. Comments are closed.